IVHydration for Dehydration in Boise

Who hasn’t been dehydrated before? Everyone, at one point or another, has experienced it. It’s not healthy, but it happens even to the best of us. After you’ve had a great night out with friends, your body is going to need a quick way to rehydrate.There’s where Table Rock Mobile Medicine steps into the picture. Not only can we start an IV drip, but we can also administer other medications that will help with headaches and nausea to move your hangover healing process right along.

What are the Symptoms of Dehydration?

If you’re feeling dehydrated, your body will tell you that it’s time to get some water in your system. The symptoms you may encounter from dehydration include rapid heart rate, headaches, excessive thirst, and fatigue.You can experience this from being hungover, food poisoning, stomach flu, heat exhaustion, vomiting, and more. It’s vital to drink plenty of water according to your daily activities and chosen lifestyle, and especially with drinking alcohol.

Why Does It Work?

Whether you’ve had a rough night after being out on the town with your friends, or you’ve been outside in the sun all day, you’re going to need fluids, and soon. Drinking too much water too quickly is only going to worsen the situation, so taking it easy with a direct line of fluids is the way to go.You essentially are not cured of your hangover, but you are going to have fluids provided for you directly! At Table Rock Mobile Medicine, we not only offer IV fluids and electrolytes, but with our “Revive” package, you’ll also receive nausea and headache medication. You will have an easier time getting back into your routine with our help.

IV hydration for dehydration Boise Eagle Meridian

Table Rock Mobile Medicine

The best part about our services is that you don’t have to come out to our office. We have the resources to practice medicine in the comfort of your home. Of course, we’re not a replacement for a medical emergency, but we can help you out with getting your body back on track with the right care!If you are looking to see the hangover doctor, give us a call at 208-991-3232.


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