When Should You Use an Urgent Care for an Animal Bite?

Animal bites can be a common and unfortunately painful experience for many people, especially during the summer months when people are spending more time outdoors. It's important to know when an animal bite requires a trip to urgent care. In this blog post, we'll explore the signs and symptoms that indicate when you should seek urgent care treatment for an animal bite.

Why Urgent Care is important

While some animal bites may seem minor and not require medical attention, it is important to understand the potential dangers of untreated wounds. Animal bites can result in infections and other health complications, including rabies, which is 100% fatal if left untreated. Your own cat or dog could bite you out of fear or pain. These animal bites, along with human bites, should be evaluated by an urgent care because of the types bacteria that live in their mouths can cause severe complications if left untreated.

Signs and Symptoms

The severity of an animal bite can vary depending on the type of animal and the depth and location of the wound. Some bites may only require immediate first aid at home, such as washing the wound and covering it with a sterile bandage. Other bites, however, may require professional medical attention.

Here are some signs and symptoms that should prompt you to visit an urgent care for an animal bite:

1. The bite breaks the skin.
2. The wound appears infected, such as swelling, redness, warmth, pus, or a bad odor.
3. The bite occurred on the face, neck, or hands, as these locations are prone to infection and complications.
4. The animal that bit you was not vaccinated for rabies, or the animal was wild and may have been carrying rabies.
5. You experience symptoms such as fever, chills, fatigue, or other signs of infection.

What to Expect at Urgent Care

When you arrive at urgent care for an animal bite, or one comes to you like we do at Table Rock Mobile Medicine, the healthcare providers will first evaluate the severity of the wound and assess your overall health. Depending on the severity of the wound, you may need the wound to be cleaned out, stitches to close the wound, antibiotics to treat an infection or a tetanus shot to prevent tetanus. If there is a risk of rabies, you may also receive rabies shots.

Urgent care providers are highly trained and experienced in treating animal bites and will ensure that you receive the best possible care for your situation.

What Types of Animal Bites Are Common in Meridian Idaho?

The most common types of animal bites which require urgent care evaluation are:

  • Dogs

  • Cats

  • Humans

  • Small pets (hamsters, ferrets, rats, etc)

  • Coyotes

  • Raccoons

  • Bats

Animal and human bites are a common occurrence, but not all bites require urgent medical attention. Recognizing the severity of the wound and seeking prompt medical attention can prevent complications and reduce the risk of infection. Always err on the side of caution and


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